GN 001 Gundam Exia: Celestial Being Mobile Suit
GN 001 Gundam Exia had long been a popular mobile suit among fans. After the first season of Gundam 00, tonnes of non scale Gundam Exia models have beem realeased. This on the other hand is a MG Exia Ignition. I've completed it half a month ago but I just couldn't find the time to blog. There are four reasons why you should buy the Ignition mode rather than the normal one.
1. The price difference is not much. At most its only RM 50
2. There are LEDs which I haven't fix yet which will make the GN drive glow and the chest unit glow too. And you'll see the words "GN 001 Celestial Being" appear.
3. Thirdly if you see below, you'll realised that the GN Swords are metallic coated
4. There are extra parts which allow one to customise it to repair mode.With damage head parts, broken swords and cloaks included
Overall its OK. Its good but not really as hoo hah as one may really expect.The blue parts require spraying thats for sure. Its originally slightly darker than what you see her and make it look really like cartoon. In short its not realistic enough. Secondly the head part is really loose. For example the yellow ventilators on both sides will drop simply from a shake. Or at least, it will go out of place. For those who wants to pose Exia with the huge GN Sword, they might be restricted to just a few poses as the sword is a little too heavy, rendering it very unstable. The decal is great
On a side note, the 1/1 scale RX 78 Gundam had hit the Malaysian papers. Its definitely an epic symbol for Gundam modellers just like how great the pyramids are to the Egyptians
Another thing, I have received words from my readers that I have a strong tendency of making typing errors and gramatical errors here and there. For example I might want to type 'attention' but instead 'intention' came up. I humbly apologized to that because I know its not my habit to check my post before publish. Which is to say, when I reach the last full stop, I'll click on publish and would not bother how the rest go. I will make an effort to check next time, well, if I'm not too lazy (:
Like now, I'm already too lazy to upload the pictures I took in GACC. LOL!
Labels: My Pride
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