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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Home Sweet Home

The title is what people will call for a place they live in. However, thats not the case for the apartment I'm living in. As for the name of the apartment, I choose not to mention.

Firstly, rent. Usually I'll pay the rentafter i got the cheque from my parents when i go home in the weekend. Sadly, I forgot to do so. And what happen next? Two securities barges into my apartment like loansharks asking for payment. Obviously the money ain't with me, so he seize my apartment id. A good thing my dad called them early this and have everything settled.

Secondly is a particular housemate. Again, I won't mention the name. But he is the most f*** up person I've ever lived with. He is a person with totally zero considerations. It had been times, many times in fact, forced people to stay awake just to accompany him chatting at 3.00 am. There was one incident where he purposely wake my roommate up to tell him that he is bored. Another incident was a few nights ago. I was planning to sleep at about 12.00am but I slept at three in the end. He came to our room (my roommate stupidly did not lock the door and he got a habit of entering without knocking) and start bullshitting about his dean's list, how many girls he knows, how good looking he is and blah blah blah....

If the guns in my CS are real I'll turn my mouse directly at him and shoot him (is this assault?). And what pissed me of the most is he ask me to abandon my gf and for some don't know what girls that he says he will introduce to me. Is he out of his mind? Thank goodness I got some payback. I took some water into my mouth and once he speak I make sure wet his face with all the water I took in:)))))))

BUT!!!!! He still refuse to go out!!! Instead, he was down there preaching to me how unhealthy I am to do that and how unclean of me to do that blah blah blah. At this point, my roommate when to him and say, "do you know what is unclean?", and *farted* directly on his face:)))))

And yesterday night again he was preaching to me and my roommate on the principle that you owe money you must pay. Can someone just stab him??

I so need a new place to stay



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