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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back To BM

I can't express the stupidity of the government to change the teaching of Science and Math back to Malay. They have spend millions and millions training all those teachers and textbooks and now they change back. Are they trying to squander all the citizens money? By making such a decision you actually meant all the effort they put for these past years are all being put down the drain. Now the excuse is “Only 19.2% of secondary teachers and 9.96% of primary teachers were sufficiently proficient in English,” he said, explaining the Government’s decision to revert to the old system.

And you can say you'll hire foreigners to teach English. Can't you all just get those foreigners to teach Science and Math is English? If the government is continuing to feed this certain (("class")) of people, how in the bloody hell is the country progressing? Can't you see you are contradicting yourselves? If these teachers are being trained for so many years and their English is still bad, then I would just say either they are not trying hard enough or their more stupid than pigs.

Even certain leaders are being sent to London and stuff for education. When they're back they can't even speak proper Malay! And now they're holding some of the highest post in the country. What the fuck are they doing??? I can;t believe Anwar support this. He really doesn't act as he preach



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