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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bagging the Doubles

Below are pictures of my entries for the two competitions ie: Gundam Comp and Gundam DIY. I won both buy I'm not satisfied or too happy with this win. Why? I won't be revealling here. However, I'll upload the pictures, expecially for people like May and Sheel who says will drop by after concert but didn't -_-

I'm pretty broke, so I din't buy a new model. This Zaku II had been completed a long time ago. Well, everyone will have seen it when they view my blog. Its on the profile picture. Most who are willing to listen to my rants on Gundam will know my favourite are Zakus. But most don't know my favourite among the Zakus is this Shin Matsunaga's Zaku II. The colour and design is just unique. Plus with the purchase of Gundam Exia, its hard to find any extra funds

So i just use some scrap materials and build a base for it. Cannons, trees, hut and all. They're all made from scrap materials. There are still lots of improvement I believe and many of the modellers I know think so too. Especially in terms of consistency of weathering and positioning of the model. Usually I just use this standard stand straight pose. My placing of things in my diorama is also another big problem. Its what they call the "diorama fails to tell a story"

All the models on that day for DIY is Zhang He, which is the first set back because its my least favourite Three Kingdon SD. I've built all the SDs to date. We can't spray and the time limit is only 3 hours (I need 8 hours), I must built one that is ok looking without much work. So I was thinking of Zhang Liao. But since all were Zhang He, I simply got no choice.

Plus it already started for half an hour and I don't know it had started! So 1/2 an hour gone. Its kind of a rush actually. I personally think its the worst SD I made so far



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