ml xmlns=""> SlashKiss for the Ladies

Sunday, April 12, 2009


At first glance anyone reasonable man would assume that the title had nothing to do with the picture. But that is not necessarily so.

Look that this little thing. Its obviously a fingger puppet modeled after Piglet from Winnie the Pooh. Honey got it from some easter egg chocolate thing which she named it Waffle. She thinks its very cute and had been trying to distract me by making it scratch its crotch accompanied her voice trying to immitate Stitch while I'm driving us for dinner.

When we reach Sabak Aur for ikan bakar I ask her "eh, you're not taking it down ah?" The reply is "no. Later the cats bite him off." I was like fine and put it in the box near the gear. As I close halfway I was stop. I ask "Now what?" She say not to close completely. I ask why? Isn't it better? So cats won't see it from my window. The reply was "Don't want. Later Waffle can't breathe will die >.<"


Why are you so cute honey????? LOL (((((((((((((((((((((:



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