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Friday, October 23, 2009

MS-07B-M Gouf

This is the ordinary Gouf version 1

This is on the other hand is Gouf: Principality of Zeon Close Combat Mobile Suit: Michelle Customize. Why is it so? Because this model is given to me by my girl (:

Its customised using a bright colour scheme in the form of Camel Yellow. Chelle loves brighter colours. Pink is a bit too much. Yellow is ok (: And its added with a touch of brown shading so it will have some of my feel also

Its a very good model. Stable and easy to make. Hpwever to colour this suit one will need to use surfacer. Reason is because the texture is very slippery and smooth. Plus its a very dark colour so spraying colour straight on might not work. The colour will either change or it won't stick at all

A defect I made is in regard to the seam lines on the shoulder. Well, I don't have cement with me. So I'll work that out some other time :P

I love this model very very much. I've always wanted this as its not exactly easy to find. And its even harder for honey to find cause her model knowledge is zero and she does not pay much attention when I'm giving lecture on it. So finding this make me appreciate it even more than any other models I ever have. In my eyes, this is the nicest model I ever made (:



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