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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My First Week At Work

Now is obviously the second week and only now that I blog shows I'm terribly busy -_-

The first day itself, I realised one thing. Or maybe two or three

1. You better know everything
2. They expect you to know everything
3. Its all about dead lines
4. Work continues to pile up despite you haven't finish
5. Missing the dead lines because of too much work is not a defence

Well, its a typically big place. However, the colleagues which comprises of chambering students are really really nice to us juniors. One of my senior from MMU, Jeremy, is here. He's really capable and willing to teach. He had taught me so much about civil procedures

The food! Yes! The food is really good and cheap. Especially Indian food or nasi campur sort of stuff. Lol

But well, we'll definitely meet every type of people. Hardworking young lawyers which have full of vigour and out to prove something, old grumpy ones who'll blast you left and right if given a reason no matter good or bad, lazy ones who can't even read the newpaper by themselves and need someone to actually read to them, those very susah type who are really rigid, gossip clerks, clerks which I think is dumb and coffee aunties who practice double standard

Job wise, its definitely challenging. Lots to learn and lots to know. Much work needed to be done. Now they even let me in on confidential details already. Work also include planning or searching for grounds to challenge, corresponding and reesearching. Of course there are menial stuff such as photostating, carrying files and filings as well. I'm starting to think photostaing is an art. Comparing me and the photosate machine, its technology is a few years ahead of me



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