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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Of Ginseng Pills and Cordyceps

Exam is tomorrow and many people is feeling the tension. For example, me.

Have been getting very very little sleep these days due to this stupid routine which everyone must go through every semester. I started off with coffee, and after a while it ceased to have any effect. Later on, I double thte quantity of coffee powder i normally use. The effect doesn't last long either.

Then I tried Red Bull. It works like magic. But honey says it kills so I'm barred from having those. Moreover it works like drug. Give you full strenght for a while. Collapse after that. And Rires say it increased heartbeat which makes your heart work extra so will increased chances of heart failure. In short, stay away from Red Bull, Livita and all those nots.

Then mum provided these pills made of Ginseng and Cordyceps. Apparently it seems to be pretty effective and seems to be a good stuff.

But blood start dripping from my nose a while ago. Maybe its too potent.

So, what now? Cough blood after this?? -_-



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