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Monday, December 15, 2008

I Mean Business

Thats me or should say how I look like. How people perceive me to be. How Aaron look in people's eyes. And now, there is some alteration as to what I normally used to be. Many questions from those who recognised me ask why have I became like this. The others don't recognised me anymore, which is, sad sad.


Yeah! So this is my new look. Don't be shocked. Its still me, so nothing change except for the face. Look ugly I know. Wait for it to grow. Never try never know isn't it? So guys and gals, you know how I look like, so yeah, if you see me say hie along the road, don't mistake me for some drug addict who is just out of some whatnots rehabilitation centre. Till then.

p/s: Thanks for having another go at it. Many smiles ahead of us (: Miss you



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